On November 17, 18 and 19 finds it Design Automation & Embedded Systems event (THE) place, this time in digital form. During this event, developers and users share their knowledge in the field of embedded systems and design automation. Over three days, visitors will be updated on current themes through technical and interactive webinars from exhibitors and plenary speakers.

What can you expect during the webinar sessions of the D&E event?

During the D&E event you will be informed about the latest developments, solutions and challenges. In addition to giving a presentation, the exhibitors and plenary speakers will use polls and call-to-actions to make the sessions interactive and more personal. The chat gives you the opportunity to ask your questions and generate a contact moment with the speaker.

Current trends and topics during the D&E event are: Digital transformation, the challenges and solutions of technical product design, security through Design for IoT, embedded communications and IoT, successfully integrating RF/microwave content together on the same PCB. watch here the program in advance.

Plenary speakers during the D&E event Arne Padmos, Security Engineer and Patrick Fokke, managing director of Siemens.

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