Together with partners IAR Systems, Razorcat (Tessy), AbsInt, Sciopta nd Segger INDES-IDS offers total solution for the development, Testing and Certification of Embedded Software. Our offering & services include Certified Compilers, Certified RTOS & MMU, Programming Standards checking, Static Analysis, Unit Test and Code Coverage tools.

The functional safety editions of the IAR Systems Embedded WorkBench are certified by the safety-accredited certification body, TÜV SÜD, as qualified for development of safety-related applications according to the mentioned standards.

Visit E&A stand 7F103 to discuss.

By selecting IAR Embedded Workbench, functional safety edition, as a development tool, you do not have to evaluate the tool development process yourself and also not demonstrate language standards compliance by your own testing. This has already been taken care of by TÜV SÜD. The same applies to the functional safety editions of IAR Build Tools.

The certification was proceeded by a thorough assessment of how IAR Systems develop, test and support its software.


Broad coverage of standards

To suit different application needs, we provide functional safety tool editions for a number of different architectures.



IEC 61508


ISO 26262


EN 50128 EN 50657


IEC 62304

Agriculture & forestry

ISO 25119

Machinery control

ISO 13849 IEC 62061

Process industry

IEC 61511


Household appliances

IEC 60730

Renesas RX        
Renesas RL78        
Renesas RH850        


Together with IAR Systems INDES-IDS BV can offer you:
  • Development tools certified by TÜV SÜD
  • Long-term technical support through a special functional safety agreement
  • Safety certificate renewal as long as agreement is active
  • Coverage of 10 safety standards
  • Full flexibility with wide tools support across architectures
  • MISRA C/C++, CWE and CERT Programming Standards checking
  • IAR Integrated Static Analysis
  • Razorcat Tessy certifed toolsuite Unit Test & Code Coverage
  • AbsInt SOUND Static analysis PROVING zero run-time errors in your code


