SEGGER’s Flasher Hub-12 controls up to 12 Flasher Compact units serving as individual channels for parallel, high-speed gang programming. Each channel can be configured to program a different device or a different firmware image.

E&A Stand : 7F103

The combination of a single Flasher Hub-12 and up to 12 Flasher Compacts is the perfect solution for high-volume multi-panel and multi-target mass production. The system can scale up to 48 individual channels.

In addition to supporting programming unique serial numbers and patch data. It also allows updating and monitoring from a nearby production control office. This means the programming process is closely connected to testing facilities, such as ATE (Automatic Test Equipment) and similar devices.

Key features

  • Scalability: Up to 48 individual parallel programming channels with their own circuit memory
  • Reliability
  • Longevity
  • Built-in web & FTP server for easy setup
  • Multi-platform: Includes application software for Linux, macOS, and Windows
  • No license required. No hidden costs. No future costs.
  • Future proof: Software, firmware updates as well as new flash loaders are free of charge.

Supported devices

SEGGER Flashers support a wide range of CPU cores and an even wider range of different devices, such as SPI-Flash devices.

This includes support for tens of thousands of devices in hundreds of device families with billions of devices programmed.

Please note that a device may still be supported even if it is not on the list. Device not listed? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.


As a multi-platform solution, Flasher Hub comes with the application software for Linux, macOS and Windows. Software and firmware updates are included. Similarly, use on all currently supported target devices, and any that will be added, is also included.

Parallel programming

The Flasher Hub controls multiple Flasher Compacts. A single Flasher Hub-12 supports up to 12 Flasher Compacts, and up to 4 Flasher Hub-12 devices can be chained, enabling the administration and control of up to 48 programming channels. Each Flasher can be configured individually to program different targets with different target firmware simultaneously.

Flexible control and monitoring

The Flasher Hub is easy to set up using SEGGER software tools. It can be operated via TELNET using the built-in ASCII command interface which was designed for automation. Flasher Hub also comes with a web interface designed for easy and intuitive manual operation.

Serial number assignment

Many modern devices require some pieces of unique information.
The Flasher Hub allows the programming of data that differs amongst other otherwise identical units. Typical examples are things like serial numbers, ethernet hardware addresses (MAC), and digital signatures, and license keys that enable/disable product features. All these options can be adapted from device to device by applying patch data to the original firmware while programming.


Remote monitoring

The built-in web server is designed to present important device and current operation data for a quick overview and, additionally,to check the status of the programmer, providing information about:

  • Installed firmware version
  • Hardware version
  • Power consumption
  • IP configuration
  • Network load
  • Current operation and status
  • Programming interface in use

This may be important for fast troubleshooting through code verification, for instance, as it is when executing a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) that helps to detect errors during data transmission or storage.
