Jasper J. GoedBloed (5 January 1937 – present) was a pioneer in Electro-Magnetic Compatibility at Philips and other companies and is an honorary member of the Dutch EMC-ESD association. The room named after Jap is the 6-meter Semi Anechoic Chamber that has been used at Philips plant in Best since the late 1980s for testing our medical products. At that time Bob Bakker and Jap Goedbloed worked closely together to develop the EMC field and get the right facilities within Philips.

Board member of the Dutch EMC-ESD association Dr. Dongsheng Zhao (RHEA System for ESA) still remembers Dr. Goedbloed as an old friend and mentor. We met in the first time at the biannual meeting of IOP Electromagnetic Power Technology (IOPEMVT), the program funded my PhD research. It was during the early days of my academic journey. Despite being retired, he graciously extended a helping hand when I struggled to navigate the complexities of research. We arranged to meet in the TU/E library, and I was touched when he arrived on his bicycle. As we conversed, he not only shared valuable insights but also offered unwavering encouragement, illuminating the path of inspiration for my academic pursuits.

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