You would rather not think about it: an attack by hackers. But current events show that hacking is a real threat these days. Is your company sufficiently cyber secure today? And do you have an emergency plan ready if you unexpectedly become a victim?

Combine your visit to the WoTS 2022 with your participation with the Industrial Cyber ​​Security seminar on Thursday, September 29, and be informed about the most important points of interest.

No one is more aware of the importance of security in the digital domain than Hoppenbrouwers. Last year, the company was hit by a worldwide ransomware attack. In the first presentation of the seminar, Hoppenbrouwers talks openly about the attack and the aftermath, but the speakers will mainly focus on the lessons learned.

Visit the website for the full programme of the Industrial Cyber ​​Security seminar.

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FHI, federatie van technologiebranches