From 2023, the Dutch Building Commissioning Association will take over the commissioners
From 2023, the Dutch Building Commissioning Association will take over the register for Commissioning Specialists and Managers in consultation with Sertum, the commissioners and the affiliated industry parties. The registered parties may have already received a message from Sertum. This offers opportunities for DBCA to be closer to our experts and to help you fill in and promote the profession.
We are happy to do this for you and with you. The board will commit itself to professionalization in the near future. We want to take the DBCA website to the next level and ensure the connection with the Central Register of Technology. This means that the registered Commissioners at DBCA deserve both a place on our website and a place in the Central Register of Technology / Professional Passport.
How do I register with DBCA? / How do I switch to DBCA?
If you have completed the training for Commissioning specialist or manager, you can register for the DBCA register. The Commissioning register of Sertum has been stopped as of 31/12/2022. Instead, register with DBCA. This is done via the attached form. If you have not received an email, please email for an invitation. We will then ensure that you are included in the DBCA register.
Please note!: the commissioning register is a personal register. Each person must register individually. As agreed during the meeting on October 20, the costs are €595 excl. VAT.
We are convinced that we offer a good solution and make DBCA, the profession and our commissioners future-proof!