CN Rood will be present as an exhibitor on April 18 RF Technology Event. In the run-up to the event, we will provide you with various posts to give you an idea of the T&M equipment and demos that you can expect from us during the event. In this blog we share a video about the RF capabilities of the Tektronix MSO. We will of course demonstrate the Tektronix MSO at the RF Technology Event.

Learn about the many types of RF analysis available on the 45 and 6 Series MSOs, enabled by the patented integrated digital downconverters behind each channel. This overview touches on synchronized, multi-channel spectrum analysis using Spectrum View on the 4, 5 and 6 Series and vector signal analysis on the 5 and 6 Series using SignalVu-PC software.

Turn a 6 Series MSO into a full functioning vector signal analyzer with 2 GHz of capture bandwidth and up to 10 GHz frequency range.

FHI, federatie van technologiebranches