Employer's declaration for crucial occupational group required

Despite the current curfew, it is still possible for crucial professional groups to go to work. After all, some vital professions require continuous staffing. For a complete list, see the website
National government.

The final forms that you can use as an employer:
Employer's statement curfew
Own declaration of curfew
Q&A's curfew
Visual curfew

The employer's declaration can also be drawn up by the employer and has the following format:

Postal Code 

Date :
Our ref. :
Subject: Employer's declaration for a crucial professional group


An overview of crucial professional groups that require continuous staffing in the circumstances of COVID-19 is available on government.nl. A crucial profession is also classified as all indispensable facility or support functions for a crucial professional group. The [PROFESSIONAL GROUP] has been designated as a crucial professional group to keep society running.

We would like to indicate that
working at
works in theOPTIONAL: as: FUNCTION> and is therefore classified as working in a crucial professional group.

For verification you can contact the HR department of . We can be reached during office hours at .

Yours sincerely,
On behalf of the management of

To ask? For questions about this letter, please contact FHI partner Lexsigma Advocaten directly (020 8940700). Ask for Lara Smeets. 

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