Amendment to the Working Conditions Act 2017
FHI, Federation of Technology Industries – June 12, 2018
On January 24, the Senate adopted the bill for the amended Working Conditions Act (Arbowet). The law takes effect July 1, 2017 in.
What will change in the Working Conditions Act as of July 1, 2017?
The new law places more attention on prevention. It also strengthens the involvement of employers and employees, the role of prevention officer and improves the preconditions for the actions of the company doctor. More attention is being paid to prevention, occupational diseases and work-related health complaints.
Click here for an overview of the most important changes in the updated Working Conditions Act and the most current information from ArboNed.
Prevention Officer training exclusively for FHI members
The role and position of the Prevention Officer will become more important as of July 1. Every employer must have a Prevention Officer who has sufficient knowledge and skills to properly perform his duties. ArboNed offers an excellent one one-day training Prevention Officer. Exclusively for members of FHI, there is the possibility - if there is sufficient interest (minimum 6 / maximum 12 participants) - to organize the training at FHI. The FHI sector RI&E will of course also be discussed during the training, since the Prevention Officer is closely involved in carrying out the RI&E, drawing up (and updating) the 'RI&E action plan' and taking improvement measures from the plan. of approach.
Extra affordable RI&E test for FHI members
FHI members with fewer 26 employees in the office, retail and wholesale and the catering industry can have an RI&E test carried out by ArboNed at a reduced rate, exclusively through HBR Branche Verzekeringen. For more information please contact Andreas Meijer, FHI legal and federative affairs manager.