On 24 January last, the Senate passed the bill for the amended Working Conditions Act (Arbowet). The law will come into effect on 1 July. The reason for the government to revise the law is that the labour market is changing and the sustainable employability of the working population is becoming increasingly important. What is changing? This new law will focus more on prevention. It will also strengthen the involvement of employers and employees, the role of the prevention officer and it will improve the preconditions for the actions of the company doctor. In addition, more attention will be paid to occupational diseases and work-related health complaints. Below you will find an overview of the most important changes in the new Working Conditions Act. In the leaflet Amendments to the Working Conditions Act you will find a more detailed explanation of this.
  • Open consultation hours Every employee has the right to visit a company doctor.
  • Free access to the work floor The company doctor has free access to the workplace.
  • Second opinion An employee has the right to a second opinion from another company doctor.
  • Greater employee engagement The employee representation has the right to vote on the choice of the prevention officer and his or her role in the organization.
  • Clearer role of prevention officersr The prevention officer will have a clearer role in the organization.
  • Basic contract for occupational health and safety services A basic contract for occupational health and safety services will be drawn up. This will set out the agreements on the provision of services.
Prevention is key The new law will come into effect on 1 July. We have closely followed the developments surrounding the bill. In ArboNed's vision, prevention is already central. Together with our clients and any insurer, we focus not only on absenteeism, but also on reducing occupational risks and promoting the health of employees. We are therefore already acting in line with the new law. Prepare The experts at ArboNed will investigate the exact impact for employers in the coming period, and will provide more information and advice for each change. It is a good idea to prepare yourself now for the changes in the Working Conditions Act, for example by choosing a prevention officer. With the practical training Prevention Officer ArboNed trains your employee to become a prevention officer within one day. This is also a good time to improve the working conditions in your company with a Risk inventory and evaluation (RIE). Free webinar On Tuesday 11 April at 19:00 ArboNed is organising a webinar in which our experts will tell you in 45 minutes what the changes in the Working Conditions Act mean for employers. A webinar is a live, online broadcast that you can participate in from any location via PC, laptop or tablet. Participation is free and easy to arrange by registering now to sign up.

To ask If you have any questions, please contact your regular ArboNed contact person or call 030 299 64 44 or info@arboned.nl.

Source: ArboNed

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