Particle characterization based on Dynamic Image Analysis (DIA) technology is rapidly growing in popularity. Dynamic image analysis differs from conventional methods in that each individual particle is measured at very high speed and very high resolution. This makes it possible to accurately measure large numbers of particles in just a few minutes. 

The PartAn 3D Pro from Microtrac can be used, among other things, as a fast and economical alternative to sieve analysis. Read the full article from the Bulk trade journal 'Solids Processing & Handling' here.

When the true shape of granules matters, in-line shape analysis provides the answer. Fertilizer manufacturer ICL in Amsterdam improves product quality and saves time by using 3D image analysis. Thanks to the online measurement with the PartAn from Microtrac, the operator gains more insight into the granule drum process without having to manually take a sample every hour. The 3D image analysis ensures that the operator can make adjustments even faster to optimize the shape of the granules and produce more efficiently. 

The trade journal Solids Processing described how this technique has contributed to optimising the granular shape of ICL's fertiliser: Breakthrough in preventing caking and dust formation' You can read about this in this article from the trade journal Solids Processing.


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