Zeta Potential Analyzer – Valais

Innovative high-resolution Zeta Potential Analyzer for nanoparticle and colloidal charge characterization from the French manufacturer Cordouan (Pessac, Bordeaux).

Based on it LDE principle: Laser Doppler Electrophoresis.

Uses a rugged DIP Electrode Cell.

High Resolution measurements: up to 30x larger than comparable instruments, resolution is 0.1mV.


Most important features

  • No electro-osmosis → Artifact-free measurements
  • Improved LDE technology → Efficient, Reliable and Simple
  • High-resolution measurement → Accurate and reproducible Zeta potential analysis
  • High durability electrodes → robustness and cost-effectiveness
  • Designed for standard disposables and quartz cuvettes → Easy to fill.
  • Compatible with organic solvents and high pH solutions
  • Advanced software functionalities (Time, pH, Temperature kinetic mode, SOPs, Report editor, etc.)
  • Easy to use and intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) software


A zeta potential is the electrical potential in the layer around a charged particle in suspension. Surrounding a charged particle in the solution is a layer of counterions, and the shape of the potential differs depending on whether this layer of counterions is ordered or random.

In “ordinary chemistry” we are used to working with well-stirred solutions in which no concentration differences occur. A salt solution is then neutral in all places because there is no excess charge anywhere.

But in an electrical double layer (better: double electrical layer) at the boundary of an electrolyte and a solid, this is different. In a very thin electrolyte layer at the boundary of a solid particle or a solid wall, the electrolyte is not neutral but has a positive or negative charge excess.

This makes the colloidal solution stable, no flocculation takes place.
You can make an electrolyte solution flow along a solid wall in several ways. But you can also, conversely, make a solid move along a liquid. The equations of motion are in principle always the same.

The collection of all these movements is called electrokinetic phenomena.

more information at www.prolyse.nl and www.prolyse.com  or www.cordouan-tech.com


FHI, federatie van technologiebranches