How to deal with hired specialist staff (self-employed)

The HRM working group notes that FHI companies have been confronted with hired self-employed persons who carry out work at locations of business relations. Upon inspection it appears that they do not have professional liability insurance. How should this be dealt with?

Own liability insurance

Initially, we advise you to study the current liability insurance. Normally, hired personnel are subject to their own liability. However, this is not a fixed rule, because every situation can be different. You may assume that the coverage for the hired self-employed person does apply if he/she performs work that is normally part of the permanent work of the FHI company in question. Of course, professional liability, supervisory work or other applicable coverage must be included in the FHI company's policy. If the work to be performed is so specialized and falls outside the usual activities of the company, then your own liability policy usually does not provide cover. If this is the case, it is advisable to require an insurance requirement from the hired self-employed person. This can be done by means of an insurance statement, if desired in English. The FHI company can then submit this statement to the business relationship where the work is carried out. My advice is never to deviate from this, because the possible calamities cannot be foreseen and the business relationship will ultimately lay its claim on both companies (FHI company and self-employed person).

Liability insurance for self-employed persons through HBR Branche Verzekeringen BV.

The affiliated FHI companies can easily refer these self-employed people to HBR Industry Insurance BV. We have built excellent liability insurance with acceptable premiums for various self-employed people. Naturally, they can also apply for other insurance, such as disability insurance. Also view the business support services at FHI member benefits. Ruud Rooker Commercial Manager at HBR Branche Verzekeringen BV
FHI, federatie van technologiebranches