Exposure of materials, products or systems to climate influences such as sunlight, rain, wind and air pollution can lead to rapid degradation, which can adversely affect their lifespan. Lightning and cosmic radiation can also influence the correct functioning of a product. But how does my product fail, which test method is right for my specific problem and which standards are useful to me? And how do I analyze the products after such a test? These are questions that will be asked (and answered) frequently in the Climate Working Group. In 2018, PLOT established the “Climate” working group in which the exchange of knowledge about climate influences between members is made possible.

Contact person/chairman is Marcel van Doesburg, e-mail: MarcelvanDoesburg@eurofinsEAG.com

Next meeting:

  • November 20, 2024: Premium Sound Solutions, Dendermonde, 12:30 – 17:00

Below you can find the presentations/reports of the past meetings:

FHI, federatie van technologiebranches