Expice - PCB Assembly

Who are we at Expice BV? and what can we do for you?
We have more than 30 years of experience in assembling printed circuit boards. Whether it concerns single pieces, small or large series, everything is possible if it suits us.
Why should it suit us? Because we want to meet your expectations when it comes to delivery times, guaranteeing the required quality and achieving your satisfaction as a customer.
We offer a no-nonsense guarantee; if we have overlooked something, we will resolve it efficiently with you.
Expice also has a unique certification from Apple Inc. and from our own RDW
We have a wide range of customers with whom we go further than just producing the PCB via SMT or THT. Programming and testing, mechanical assembly, packing and shipping all over the world are possible.
For various customers, including starters and scale-up companies, we provide a re-design of the PCB if the operation needs to be improved or if components are likely to be difficult or impossible to obtain. Feel free to ask about the possibilities of using our R&D department, sometimes we go further than you expect.
Our preference is to work with a Service Level Agreement and a confidentiality statement. With these agreements, your wishes are central. Working together should be fun, but it remains businesslike.
Ultimately, what you want is a good PCB or end product that is delivered on time and with the quality you require.
That's why you choose us! Feel free to challenge us! We are ready to take on the challenge.
Make an appointment? Call Angelo van Dam on 06-23181824
#pcb #pcba #innovation #EV #mobility