All-Rack BV

All-Rack Data Center Solutions;
Designing, Building, Setting up and Maintaining Data Centers and On-Premises Data Centers.
All-Rack Data Center Services;
Specialized employees who can carry out all common activities on the floor. The employees can look back on decades of experience in the industry and distinguish themselves through customization, care, Time to Market and Customer Satisfaction.
Knowledge, experience and customization
The customer is central to All-Rack.
The best solutions are created based on your knowledge and wishes and the knowledge of All-Rack employees. A solution can be a completely equipped Data Center, just the racks or even a single blank panel, which is custom-made especially for you. Many Data Centers are now equipped with customized solutions from All-Rack. This includes cold or warm streets, blind panels, cages and custom-made cable management brackets. The data centers, which are equipped according to the latest standards and requirements, are often delivered turnkey. These rooms are equipped with an emergency power system, cabling, raised computer floor, fire detection, fire extinguishing system, access control, DCIM and cooling system. Naturally, efficiency, energy savings and sustainability play an important role in the design. All consultants and engineers have worked in this industry for at least 20 years and have even participated in standards committees and advisory bodies. All-Rack customers receive the attention they expect.
Passionate, direct, creative, honest, driven, hard workers and a bit stubborn.
They want the customer to get what he really needs. Customization is standard for them. To keep their knowledge up to date, they visit manufacturers, conferences and trade fairs and listen carefully to users. They are only satisfied when the customer is too. You can expect the people on the work floor to be disciplined, to consult with you, to work carefully and to fulfill the agreements made.