World of Electronics: een snoepwinkel voor elektronica enthousiastelingen

Bij de uitgiftebalie van de beursgadget, dit jaar de Omgevingsmonitor, is een groep studenten van Hogeschool Windesheim druk in de weer met schroevendraaiers. Eén van de studenten haalt het plasticlaagje van het zonnepaneel. “Wij moeten hem straks alleen nog activeren”, vertelt hij. “En daarna natuurlijk hacken en aan de home assistant hangen,” voegt hij toe. De derdejaars studenten zijn voor de eerste keer op de beurs. “Overal zijn leuke dingen te zien én ik ben op zoek naar een stageplek. Het verzamelen van de verschillende onderdelen is dan een mooi aanknopingspunt om in gesprek te gaan met bedrijven. Dit voelt echt als een grote snoepwinkel.”

Technologie beweegt

Dag drie. De World of Industry, Technology & Science is in beweging. Bezoekers stromen van het Jaarbeursplein richting de ingang en verspreiden zich over de hallen. De beursvloer gonst van de activiteit. In een wereld waar de technologische ontwikkelingen elkaar in een ramp tempo opvolgen is stilstand achteruitgang. Technologie beweegt. Laat je meevoeren over de Industry Highway naar de maakindustrie in hal 11. Exposanten en bezoekers staan samengebogen over instrumenten en werkbanken. In glimmende displays staan futuristische robotarmen en hoor je het geautomatiseerde gezoem van kleppen en aandrijvingen die ritmisch schakelen. Kom vrijdag 27 september naar de Jaarbeurs. Stap in de stroomversnelling en laat je meevoeren naar de wereld van morgen.

Seminar kwaliteit: de terminologie van de metrologie

Tijdens het seminar kwaliteit in het laboratorium gaan we terug naar de basis: van de ontwikkeling van het concept ‘meter’ tot aan de zeer specialistische terminologie van de metrologie. Accreditatie, kalibratie, standaarden en normeringen passeren één voor één de revue. De sprekers staan ook stil bij het belang van kwaliteit. Peter Kootstra van Lab QAcademy legt uit: “Voor veel mensen is het laboratorium een black box. Je levert een monster in en dan komt er een testresultaat uit. Accreditatie zorgt voor vertrouwen.”

Stand in the spotlight: Boom

It's all in the name at the stand of laboratory supplier Boom. In this green oasis you will immediately find peace. “We can’t take everything with us,” says marketing manager Martijn Jakobs. “But we do have a small selection of equipment, supplies and chemicals here.” In addition to the beautiful olive tree, the sustainability concept also catches the eye. With this display full of sustainable alternatives, the family business inspires visitors to take the step towards a more sustainable laboratory. “The step towards more sustainable working doesn’t have to be that big. You can start small with sustainable alternatives. Every step is one.”

Visitor numbers

Number of visitors Wednesday September 25: 5049

Technology and play come together at WoTS

At the World of Industry, Technology & Science, technology and games meet; young and old stand together on the exhibition floor and you will find seasoned professionals and students next to each other on stage. In the World of Industry, you will not know where to look or hear. Come and see robot dog Spot in action at Defence; admire the racing car at the Student Innovation Pavilion and have a chat with the exhibitors of the Machevo and Feda pavilions. In the World of Electronics, visitors and exhibitors are tinkering on the floor, at standing tables and in corridors and paths; after all, the trade fair gadget has to be assembled. The environmental monitor, the trade fair gadget of WoTS 2024, is a resounding success.

News from PompNL: WoTS off to a promising start

On the first day of the World of Industry, Technology & Science (WoTS), the corridors look well-populated. Fifth-year Laboratory Technology students prick up their ears when they hear about the Job Market. There, they can have their CV checked for four days, especially on the lab side, and come into contact with recruiters. At the World of Industry, they get that chance on Thursday. So it works effectively to see which companies want to attract you and do their utmost to do so. Furthermore, for PompNL it was mainly a feast of recognition. 'Old acquaintances who present their novelties and tell what they are currently working on. Both at Pump Plaza and in the corridors around it.

News from Process Control: Safe 8 and 12 button PLd remote controls

Tele Radio is demonstrating 8 and 12 button PLd transmitters from their product range this week using a moving robot dog. These two transmitters are available in the Panther range and offer extremely safe control, with an independently certified PLd stop function that operates on the globally used 2.4 GHz frequency. The Pld transmitters offer two-step buttons and safe, undisturbed wireless communication up to more than 500 metres. The 8-button Panther PN-T19-2 and the 12-button Panther PN-T29-12 are easy to program and already equipped with various 'pre-sets' for specific applications.

The World of Industry, Technology & Science is open

Tuesday September 24, day one, visited 3389 professionals, enthusiasts and students the largest technological trade fair in the Benelux. Don't miss it and step into the World of Industry, Technology & Science. Receive your badge and follow the Lab Highway to a world full of technological development. Be surprised by the substantive program and get to know more than 430 exhibitors.

Watch along: Tuesday September 24

Stand in the spotlight: Tetra Pak

Directly on the Industry Highway at the back of Hall 8, the Tetra Pak stand towers high above the others. “The main theme of the stand is Innovation Starts Here”, says Sandro Leonardi, Director Communications at Tetra Pak. He explains that the ground floor of the stand consists of four parts: processing, services, packaging and automation. “The latter is where all the parts come together,” Sandro explains. On the second floor, a luxurious hospitality area has been set up where guests can enjoy a cup of coffee and the view over the exhibition floor.

The Danger of Invisible Sound

During the seminar how safely do you work three experts from their field talk about safety in the laboratory. Marscha Smeets from HumanNova takes the audience into the danger of invisible sound. Invisible, because infra- and ultrasound are not perceived by many people, but are harmful. We do a small test, and Marscha asks the group to raise a hand when the sound over the speakers is no longer audible. A loud long beep sounds, which gets higher and higher. Slowly the hands go up, until no one can hear it anymore. "That's great," concludes Marscha. "You have good hearing!"

Take a look behind the scenes

Behind the scenes

In a short time, the large, empty halls of the Jaarbeurs are transformed into a bustling exhibition floor full of activity. Structures of up to six metres high are assembled by an army of stand builders. Forklifts drive back and forth through the aisles, while the construction teams are busy with carts full of stand material. In the small office of the organisation, there is a constant coming and going of suppliers, stand builders and exhibitors. “If you are still very busy as a trade fair organisation during the trade fair, something has gone wrong somewhere,” says Petra Kortenoeven, manager of Trade Fairs at FHI.

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FHI, federatie van technologiebranches