Discover the Public Puller of WoTS: The Environmental Monitor

Every edition of the WoTS is a great success: the trade fair gadget. Visitors collect various parts and components on the exhibition floor to assemble their own gadget. The gadget is different every time and is developed in collaboration with participating companies. This year we proudly present KITT Engineering's innovation: the Environmental Monitor.

The original idea was to measure nitrogen oxides (NOx), but this proved difficult due to the low concentrations. It was therefore decided to transform the gadget into an environmental monitor that can measure parameters such as temperature, humidity, noise, PM2.5 and VOC, both indoors and outdoors. The ambition is that after the gadget has been collected and activated, it will send data to a public platform.

With the Environmental Monitor we want to make visitors aware of the many aspects in their environment that can be measured. The aim is to show that there is a lot to observe in one's own environment and that if there are any noticeable issues, a possible cause can be examined.

Register for a visit and sign up for the gadget. 

