Exhibition special
For each world, the main media partner will provide the trade fair special for the relevant world. We hand out these trade fair specials at the entrance to the fair. These specials contain interviews with speakers/participants of projects & seminars, a map with exhibitor list and an overview of the conference program. Exhibitors have attractive opportunities to advertise in these trade fair specials.

The official fair specials are presented to the fair visitor at the entrance to the fair. These magazines are also sent along with the specific issues to subscribers of the specific trade magazine about 3 weeks before the fair. The official fair specials are as follows:

  • World of Industry: Process Control
  • World of Laboratory: LABinsights
  • World of Electronics: Elektor

Official fair map
E-Totaal provides the official exhibition map. Exhibitors also have the option to advertise on the exhibition map.


View all our media partners per world here:

World of Laboratory

Trade magazine Publisher Contact
LABinsights maxus Media Erik ten Haaf erik@maxusmedia.nl
Laboratorium.nl Visionatline BV Henry Dykeman dh@laboratorium.nl
LabVision LabVision Foundation Michiel Godschalk marketing@labvision.nl

World of Electronics

Trade magazine Publisher Contact
E-Total NHU media Martin de Boer m.deboer@etotaal.nl
Engineersonline MYbusinessmedia Dennis Wielheesen d.wielheesen@mybusinessmedia.nl
Electro-Data MYbusinessmedia Dennis Wielheesen d.wielheesen@mybusinessmedia.nl
Elektor Elektor International Media Margriet Debeij margriet.debeij@elektor.nl

World of Industry

Trade magazine Publisher Contact
Drive & Control MYbusinessmedia Dennis Wielheesen d.wielheesen@mybusinessmedia.nl
Industrial Automation Louwers Media Group Mike van Bloppoel m.vanbloppoel@louwersmediagroep.nl
Industrietoday Advercom Erik de Jong edejong@advercom.nl
Industry calendar Advercom Erik de Jong edejong@advercom.nl
Motion Control PM Group Marigona Sejdiu msj@pmg.be
Food Process PM Group Marigona Sejdiu msj@pmg.be
Process Control Acquimedia Sander van Kalkeren sander.vankalkeren@processcontrol.nl
Fluid Processing Process Media Erik ten Haaf erik@procesmedia.nl
Solids Processing Process Media Erik ten Haaf erik@procesmedia.nl
Maintenance Benelux Process Media Erik ten Haaf erik@procesmedia.nl
TW Blue Pixel Media Leander Birds leander.vogels@bluepixlmedia.nl