Seminar about ‘Fascinating Science’

27 september 2024, 10:00 - 13:15

LOCATIE: Croesezaal

Are you ready to broaden your horizons and be inspired by the most ground-breaking discoveries in the world of science and technology? Then come to the Jaarbeurs Utrecht on 27 September for the seminar about ‘Fascinating Science’!

This seminar is organized for professionals from industry, electronics and laboratories. Our speakers are well known scientists who not only excel in their field, but also excel at captivating their audience with their fascinating stories and knowledge. In this seminar, Klaas Landman (affiliated to Radboud University Nijmegen and author of the book ‘Founders of General Relativity) will give a presentation on thermodynamics, Hans Plets on the Einstein Telescope and John van der Oost (a.o. leader of the Bacterial Genetics research group at Wageningen University’s Microbiology Laboratory) will discuss CRISPR-Cas revolution – from biology to gene therapy. Last but not least, Jurre Steens, CTO from Scope Biosciences, will explain more about the diagnostic applications of CRISPR-CAS.

Why you should not miss this?

  • Top speakers: Listen to lectures by leading scientists at the forefront of their fields. Their presentations are not only informative but also inspiring and challenging.
  • Networking opportunities: Meet and exchange ideas with other professionals, researchers and industrial pioneers. This is the opportunity to expand your network and establish collaborations that can take your career and business to the next level.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to be part of a seminar full of inspiration, innovation and interaction. Register today for the WoTS exhibition and seminar ‘Fascinating Science’ on 27 September at the Jaarbeurs Utrecht. The seminar is in English.

Together, we will push the boundaries of what is possible. We look forward to seeing you on 27 September in Utrecht!


Start & eindtijd Beschrijving
10:00 - 10:40

Thermodynamics: From steam engines to black holes
Klaas Landsman, Radboud University Nijmegen

10:45 - 11:25

Will ET land in our backyard?
Hans Plets, director EMR ET Project Office at Einstein Telescope

11:30 - 11:45


11:45 - 12:25

The CRISPR-Cas revolution – from biology to gene therapy
John van der Oost, Wageningen University

12:30 - 13:10

Title will follow
Jurre Steens, CTO at Scopebiosciences

13:15 - 13:15

End of seminar
