TechAward 2022 – World of Laboratory – Tecan Benelux – MagicPrep™ NGS

MagicPrep NGS system is a new category of automated laboratory equipment that provides push button simplicity for NGS library preparation for Illumina sequencing platforms. The MagicPrep NGS system provides a complete solution that includes the instrument, software, pre-optimized scripts, reagents and consumables. The MagicPrep NGS system integrates everything you need for library preparation; all you need to do is add your samples.
With the MagicPrep NGS system a set up of a run takes only 10 minutes, all reagents and consumables are provided pre-aliquoted in a single kit. The only thing you need to provide are your samples. No need to make master mixes or buffers. No need to purchase other reagents. Simply insert the cartridges into the instrument, start the run, and continue your day.
The MagicPrep NGS instrument can store the libraries without evaporation for up to 65 hours. Start your run at any time and then retrieve your libraries when you are ready.

Toegepaste innovaties:
– small footprint and easy operation, more like a microplate reader than a liquid handling robot
– no optimization
Added value for the user
– immediate start: no optimization of several weeks needed to establish a method in the lab
– no expert user with extensive training needed, every lab member can operate a MagicPrep after 30 min introduction
– scalability and flexibility: MagicPrep costs a fraction of a liquid handling robot, a lab can buy several and operate in parallel (different methods in parallel, individual starting points when samples arrive)
– robustness: if one Magic has a problem, the others can continue operation
Business potential
– with MagicPrep small labs with low throughput can automate as well


Green tech award, duurzame features en innovaties:
MagicPrep needs only 1 tip per sample, alternative methods (manual or automated) typically need 1 tip per sample and step, which can easily be 10 tips per sample for a complete library prep. Also alternative methods often need several plates per preparation. Magic performs all steps in a single cartridge. MagicPrep reduces the plastic waste therefore significantly.
NGS library prep often needs extensive testing and optimization to establish a protocol in a lab. During this time a lot of reagents and consumables are used. MagicPrep is ready to go and all this waste can be avoided.

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