Smart freeze drying – why vacuum matters

24 september 2024, 13:00 - 14:00

LOCATIE: Seminarzaal in World of Laboratory (hal 7)

Freeze-drying is carried out from the solid (ice) state and is the method of choice for the long-term stable preservation of a wide variety of materials or for sample preparation for modern analysis techniques.

The transition from the frozen state to the gaseous state in a high vacuum is the basic principle of freeze-drying (sublimation) and, as a very gentle drying method, nothing can replace it.

The lecture will explain the procedural background of freeze-drying on the one hand and the process-relevant control parameters for reproducible results on the other.

Some practical examples will be presented.


Start & eindtijd Activiteit
13:00 - 14:00

This session is hosted by SALM EN KIPP 
