Current Affairs Labor Law
Do you want to be informed as an HR professional about the current affairs and developments in employment law? Then come to the seminar on November 7, 2024, where you will be fully updated by Vestius Advocaten.
Budget Day is now behind us. It marks the start of the second half of the year. It has quite a lot to offer when it comes to developments in employment law. There are still legislative proposals from the old cabinet and what new legislation does the new government have in store? Maria-Christina Kool will update you.
Sander Pieroelie vertelt u meer over het risico van schijnzelfstandigheid bij zzp’ers in het licht van de opheffing van het handhavingsmoratorium door de Belastingdienst per 1 januari 2025 en de plannen voor een nieuwe zzp-wet.
Puck Keurentjes and Michiel van Haelst discuss the employment condition 'pension' now that the Future Pensions Act is in effect. A new pension system will not be created overnight. By 1 January 2028 at the latest, all pension schemes must comply with the new framework of the Act. The existing employment conditions agreements on pensions will have to be changed and employers and employees are jointly responsible for this.
This means that there is work to be done for almost all HR professionals. What will you be dealing with in the coming years? The ex-employees and pensioners of your organization should not be forgotten. We will also discuss the role of the works council in the pension transition so that you are prepared for the Act in time and can ensure a smooth transition in your organization.