FHI conducts various market studies for its members, including the Economic Barometer. The Economic Barometer provides an up-to-date picture of economic expectations in the various sectors every quarter and is made up of a number of indicators such as: turnover development, order position, operating result, exports, investments and personnel development. With the results of this research you can compare the performance of your company with the performance of similar companies and we want to help you determine the strategy for your organization.

FHI conducts this survey every quarter. The survey starts with a look back at the last quarter and your expectations for the current quarter.

The Economic Barometer is sent to more than 600 members. We distinguish between the four industries when presenting the results. Of course we ensure that your answers are processed anonymously. Completing it will take you about 5 minutes. Participation is free of charge.

How can you participate?

Market research has been given a place inside fhi.nl. After logging in you will see the 'research' tab. The relevant studies for your organization will appear below. One person per organization can participate in the study. click here to log in to your account and complete the Economic Barometer.

Results Economic Barometer Q2 2024

Results Economic Barometer Q1 2024

Results Economic Barometer Q4 2023

Results Economic Barometer Q3 2023

Results Economic Barometer Q2 2023

Results Economic Barometer Q1 2023

Results Economic Barometer Q4 2022

Results Economic Barometer Q3 2022


Results Economic Barometer Q2 2022

Results Economic Barometer Q1 2022

Results Economic Barometer Q4 2021

Results Economic Barometer Q3 2021

Results Economic Barometer Q2 2021


Results Economic Barometer Q1 2021


Results Economic Barometer Q4 2020


Results Economic Barometer Q3 2020


Results Economic Barometer Q2 2020


Results Economic Barometer Q1 2020


FHI, federatie van technologiebranches