We hereby invite members of the EMC-ESD association to the online lunch session of Diederick Banté from Simco-Ion Technology Group on Thursday, March 28 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. In his online presentation, Diederick Banté addresses the question of 'What to do if a customer's requirements can no longer be met with a standard ionization solution such as a fan or rod?'.

Information lunch session
Because components are becoming increasingly sensitive to static charges, the maximum permitted voltage is creeping further towards 0V. In addition to the fact that this affects the ionization process itself, monitoring and reporting will also be at a higher level. During the lunch session, Diederick will discuss the possibilities surrounding the 0V.

Speaker biography
My name is Diederick Banté. He has now been working as a Sales Manager at Simco-Ion Technology group for the EMEA region for 20 years. In addition to sales, I also take care of training, installation and aftercare. Simco-Ion specializes in ionization and has two business units for this purpose. One for industrial applications with, among others, a branch in Lochem and one for technology, my branch, with mainly electronics and cleanroom applications, whose head office is in Alameda, CA, USA.

Register for this meeting
You can register by sending an email to info@emc-esd.nl.

See you March 28!

FHI, federatie van technologiebranches