IT Infrastructure

In an era where digital innovation is the norm, IT infrastructure plays a crucial role in supporting modern business operations. At IT Infra, pioneers and professionals come together to explore and share the latest trends, technologies and strategies in IT infrastructure. Whether you are an IT manager looking for more efficient network solutions, a system architect delving into cloud computing, or a cybersecurity expert looking to tackle the latest threats, at IT Infra you will find inspiration, knowledge and networking opportunities. Explore innovative solutions and products on the exhibition floor, where leading vendors present their latest technologies designed to improve the performance, scalability and security of IT infrastructure.

Plan your visit


The IT Infra event will take place on November 20, 2024 at Congrescentrum 1931 in Den Bosch. The reception starts at 9:00 AM and we will close at 4:00 PM with a networking drink. Talk to the exhibitors on the exhibition floor for the latest technological innovations or be inspired by the lectures in the program. A visit to the IT Infra event is free. Register, put together your own program and plan your visit.

Accessibility 1931


FHI, federatie van technologiebranches