We would like to inform you about our seminars and training courses that are planned for the autumn of 2019 in us Experience Center in Lelystad.
Put the following dates in your calendar so you don't miss these interesting days.
Don't want to miss anything? Send an email to info@go-jsb.com stating your name and the seminar or training. In the run-up to iede
Thursday September 26 GAS SEMINAR
During the gases seminar, generators, cylinders, filters and the use of hydrogen in your laboratory will be discussed. This will be a very interesting day if you want to be extensively informed about the various gas options within your laboratory, and how best to deal with them.
During this seminar, presentations will be given by people from the field and, if possible, also by end users.
During this day we will introduce you to the possibilities of special analyzers for this market. The analyzers with a + of are discussed Wasson-ECE, such as the unique O-FID analyzer and various combined GC analyzers. On this day, attention will also be paid to GCxGC-FID/QToF applications for the HPI market and attention will be paid to the latest developments in the field of on-line solutions, including the Agilent micro GC. Of course, the latest application developments will come with the VuV Analytics detector will not be missing during this day.
During this seminar, presentations will be given by people from the field and, if possible, also by end users.
Tuesday, November 12 PYROLYSIS SEMINAR
During this day we will discuss a wide range of applications with you, such as micro plastics and biofuel development. Attention will also be paid to the latest developments in the field of UV pyrolysis and pyrolysis-GCxGC-MS. During this seminar, presentations will be given by people from the field and, if possible, also by end users.
Wednesday November 13th VOLATILE (P&T/TD) SEMINAR
During this day we will dive into the possibilities of thermal desorption and purge & trap with you. In particular, the legislation for the determination of volatile hydrocarbons, for example lower detection limits for naphthalene, is currently very much in flux. In addition to presentations about the various applications, the latest developments regarding the equipment will also be discussed on this day (P&T, SPME using CTC, and various other options).
During this seminar, presentations will be given by people from the field and, if possible, also by end users.
This 2-day training consists of a theory part that covers, among other things, operation, maintenance and the MSD autotune. In addition, the training largely consists of practicals, with the focus on carrying out thorough maintenance and identifying the cause of malfunctions. The costs for this 2-day training are €1098,- excl. VAT.
Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 November 2-DAY HANDS ON WASSON VALVED GC TRAINING
This 2-day training is specifically designed for anyone who is looking for a Hands-On Valve-GC training. During these training days, an explanation will be given about the basic principle of GC valves, flow diagrams of, among other things, an RGA analyzer, and the maintenance and troubleshooting of GC valves. This training is a unique opportunity to improve your troubleshooting skills in practice. The costs for this 2-day training are €1098,- excl. VAT.
Our seminars and training courses will be held partly in Dutch and partly in English. If there are non-Dutch speaking participants, English will be the main language.