The FHI presents TechStories event, on Friday 2 February in Ahoy Rotterdam, attracted a full house of visitors. The speakers specially recruited for this event took the visitors on a journey from nanotechnology to the Big Bang.

Gertjan Koster from the University of Twente kicked off the day with a lecture on nanotechnology. He delved into the depths and showed the audience the highly specialized techniques involved.

Then we made the step from nanotechnology to quantum computers. Lieven Vandersypen, TU Delft, amazed the audience with the almost incomprehensible world of quantum computers. Lieven underlined the enormous challenges that lie ahead in the race to practically relevant quantum computers.

Even before the break, ASTRON system architect André Gunst stepped onto the stage. He transformed the entire room into a giant time ruler. From wall to wall, he measured the entire history of the universe, making 13 billion years vivid. In a lively, humorous way, he explained to the audience how ASTRON is unraveling the mystery of the universe piece by piece with the LOFAR radio telescope.

During the break, there was a long line at the men's toilet for a change. In the line, the lectures were discussed in detail and Ahoy was buzzing with enthusiasm. FHI presents TechStories clearly has something very special in its hands here.

After the break, two more lectures were on the program. The room filled up and chair Paul Petersen, director of FHI, gave the floor to Meike Nauta. She told the almost magical story of artificial intelligence. Meike gave the visitors a reality check and precisely indicated the opportunities and limitations of artificial intelligence.

The closing act of this exciting day was Erik Scherder, neuropsychologist at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam. He got the entire room moving and closed the day with a thunderous applause. With Erik's story still fresh in their minds, all the visitors, discussing intensely, took the stairs instead of the elevator.

FHI presents TechStories is a taste for more. This was the first edition and during the closing drinks there was already a lot of speculation about who FHI will invite for the next edition. In Ahoy, peace has returned, but underneath the surface the potential of the next FHI presents TechStories is brewing.

The visitors rated the event with an 8.4!

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FHI, federatie van technologiebranches