Do you want to invest in training and development within installation technology? There are various subsidy options that can help you reduce costs. We list the most important schemes for you.
For installation companies
Wij Techniek is the Training and Development Fund for the technical installation company. With financial support and expertise, they make education more accessible. Below you will find three interesting subsidy schemes:
- Development Incentive Scheme (OSR)
Employers can receive a contribution towards the costs of education and training, as long as there is still subsidy credit available at Wij Techniek. All TVVL courses fall under this scheme. Consult with your employer, because only he or she can apply for this subsidy. More information
- Future-proof Installations Regulation (RTI)
Do you want to implement large-scale changes within your organization? This scheme supports the change process and contributes to training costs, so that employees can learn new skills. More information
- Training vouchers
Employees in the technical installation sector can apply for a training voucher of up to €1,500 including VAT for training costs. More information
General subsidies (national and regional)
In addition to sector-specific subsidies, there are also general subsidy schemes available. Here you will find two useful websites to find the right subsidy:
- provides an overview of all subsidy options based on your situation. View subsidies
- SER has a comprehensive overview of subsidies for lifelong development. More information