A mesh network is a local network in which multiple different network devices connect to each other and work together to distribute the load. In concrete terms, this means that a mesh network consists of multiple wireless transmitters that ensure optimal coverage. Such a wireless transmitter is also called a node or satellite. There are many advantages to using a Bluetooth mesh network. For example, these systems often have built-in protection against cybercrime, they can give priority to devices that need more bandwidth, they support smart home platforms and you can set certain filters so that your children can surf the internet safely.

Mesh networks are an ideal solution for places where there is no network cable or where the wireless signal is not available. The more transmitters you add to the network, the larger and faster the network becomes. In a mesh network, a node is connected to at least two other nodes. Setting up a mesh network is therefore very fast and always works optimally. If a transmitter fails, the other satellite takes over these network tasks. This way you always have the best signal, wherever you are in the network. You do not suffer from loss of speed or range. Even if you have multiple nodes, you create one mesh network. That network is available over the entire surface. So you do not have to switch networks (SSID) on your smartphone when you walk outside, the system knows which node you can best connect to for the best signal. Changing nodes is seamless and you do not notice it yourself, while you keep the best signal. In addition to the fact that you can operate your devices from almost any distance with Bluetooth mesh, an additional advantage is that the system uses little energy. This is because mesh devices do not transmit the entire signal.

Francois Mirand van Future Electronics In his lecture, he will discuss the wireless activation of intelligent lighting control and the added value of Bluetooth mesh in this regard.

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