Header Quantared

We are super excited to introduce not only 2 very special analyzers, but a new supplier as well!
QuantaRed, based in Austria, has been the leading provider for Quantum Cascade Laser-based sensors since 2008, a technology which offers extreme accuracy with unique reliability, at low operating costs.

Recently, they decided to take the technology to the next level, by bringing their own analyzers to market.

QuantaRed Famespec

The FameSpec is a compact stand-alone analyzer which provides fully automatic and rapid measurement for all types of FAME.
– ASTM D8290 compliant (only one in the market)
– Wide measurement range (10-400 mg/kg)
– High precision (repeatability of 0,8 mg/kg at 5mg/kg)

Thanks to the QLC technology and a patented sample preparation technique, this analyzer brings unrivaled accuracy to your lab!

Discover the FameSpec

QuantaRed EcoSpec

Knowing the oil-content in process streams aids in optimizing the treatment of the waste-water, which leads to lowered production costs.
The EcoSpec offers an eco-friendly way of determining oil and grease content in aqueous samples.
– ASTM D7678 compliant
– Wide measurement range (0-2000mg/L)
– High precision (0,05 mg/L below 10mg/L)
– CFC-free extraction

Learn more about the quirky QLC-equipped analyzer via the link below!

Meet the EcoSpec



Are you more into videos? Then check out the FameSpec introduction or EcoSpec operation demo on our youtube channel!
