This morning I saw a nice graph in The Guardian about the average temperatures in the world between 1979 and now. First of all, you wonder how an average can be determined over the whole world, but well, adding up a number of numbers and dividing by that number is possible. Secondly, you also wonder what it means for my environment.
In my opinion, fairly neutral questions that do not have to cause polarization.
The third question is about what you should do if you want to change an undesirable situation as a whole into a desirable situation. Then it quickly becomes political. Apart from politics, technicians want to realize solutions. To do that, you first have to know what you are talking about and what you want, so that you can then translate it into practice.
For WoTS 2024 has just started a project that aims to provide visitors with a nitrogen meter. This measures the current concentration in the air and displays a network of measurements, so that you can compare your situation with that of other visitors. A mix of qualities from the Laboratory Technology, Industrial Electronics and Industrial Automation sectors is needed for meaningful measurements.
To create that network, you don't go over beaten paths. That's why we are now working with the first twenty people involved to see whether the collected expertise can be used in a new type of nitrogen meter. The first meeting was on July 18, 2023. The presentation can be linked back to anyone who is interested. The second meeting will take place on August 31, 2023 and companies that still want to be involved, can register.
It is a complex project with strong challenges with a network of measurements as a goal. Whether it will succeed is the question, but that makes it extra exciting to be involved.