Column: Test & Measurement for electronics
Test & Measurement equipment is used in the design and production of electronics, but also for components, the thermal image of a PCB and electromagnetic compatibility. The goal is for the equipment to work flawlessly. That seems obvious, but it requires expertise. With all the high-tech developments in the world, stricter requirements are imposed on equipment and therefore there is a need for expertise for the future challenges in Test & Measurement.
Steven Van Hout from VDL TBP Electronics links the best testing strategy to early involvement in the design of a new product, so that work can be done at the right time on the feasibility of testing, production and logistics. This is crucial for a product's viability, with professionals thinking ten years ahead.
In the conversion and storage of reusable energy, high voltages and currents must be controlled. These developments require improved components and require new qualification tests and measurement setups. Kees Revenberg van Eurofins/MASER goes into this in more detail.
With sufficient knowledge of thermal fields manufacturing defects can be discovered early in the design process. This thermal image can also be effective during series or prototype production. To round off the speakers' examples, another development. New applications with LED lighting also create a need for good ones EMC testing, to prevent any disturbing effects on other equipment.
Through the knowledge transfer in this seminar, professionals in the design and production of industrial electronics can take on Test & Measurement challenges.