Exhibitors will showcase the latest and most innovative products or technologies at World of Technology & Science 2022. The TechAward gives extra attention to these innovations among trade press and visitors. Every exhibitor may submit a product or service for the TechAward in the run-up to the WoTS. If there are exhibitors who have other innovative ideas in the communication to visitors of the fair, you are also invited to share them with the organization.

In mid-May 2022, the organization will open the online TechAward gallery and the voting module will be open on the website www.wots.nl. Visitors can vote for their favorite innovation in this module! The exhibitors can use this to draw attention to their innovation.

The voting module is open until August 2022. In addition, a professional jury will assess the innovations. Based on the visitor votes and the jury report, the 5 selected per world are determined and they may present their innovation on the trade fair floor.

The organization of the World of Motion & Drives is completely open to additional ideas. All possibilities that exhibitors propose in a collective approach also offer new opportunities. This is the moment to start such innovations and other members or exhibitors can be involved. You can send such a proposal to Willemijn de Groot.

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