Since the end of 2019, a group of EMS companies have joined forces. In addition to being joint members of FHI Industrial Electronics, they strengthen each other by entering into discussions with each other in the EMS cluster. Current market developments and issues are discussed together. In addition, various themed meetings are organized with guest speakers from the broad network.

Would you like to become a member of the EMS Cluster? Which can! As an FHI member you can participate in the EMS cluster for free. Are you interested? Send us one mail!

Non-disclosure agreement (NDA) – Over the past period, the cluster has drawn up a joint NDA with the help of legal partner LexSigma. The NDA is used by various cluster members to create as much clarity as possible in the market. The NDA can be purchased by FHI members for a small fee. Send a mail For more information.

Meeting on machine-to-machine communication – The digital cluster meeting on machine-to-machine communication (M2M) took place on September 17. Guest speakers from Mycronic and ASM took those present through presentations about the Hermes standard and CFX communication. The presentations were followed by an interesting discussion about communication between machines and especially the challenges this entails. How can we ensure that the machines communicate well with each other without the need for different systems? And how can the data be stored in a central database? These are some of the questions that were discussed during the meeting. FHI keeps in touch with Mycronic and ASM about the latest developments in the field of M2M communication.

Joint market research – The EMS cluster has expressed its wish to participate in a joint market research. Contact was made with NEVAT for the so-called 'benchmark'. “A benchmark can be described as a comparative study in which the results of companies are examined. For many companies within the same sector it is interesting to compare each other's activities” – NEVAT. As a cluster, we jointly participate in the Benchmark at a reduced rate.

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FHI, federatie van technologiebranches