Sustainable transformation in line with the circular economy

Greiner also adhered to the sustainability strategy of the Blue Plan and achieved several milestones. Greiner is one of 40 Austrian companies with science-based targets. These science-based climate targets have been endorsed by the independent Science Based Targets Initiative. These have been proven to help combat global warming.

The plastics company continues to pursue the goal of a fully circular company in 2030 to be achieved through increased use of recycled materials, development of reusable products and a general approach to resource conservation throughout the value chain.

If weGreiner also has major projects under the Blue Plan. This includes, for example, increasing training hours to 16 hours per year per employee by 2025. In the summer, Greiner is also launching a training initiative for the topics diversity, equality and inclusion at the 40 largest locations.

Want to know more about the Annual Report and Sustainability Report?
Then read on here 👉🏻 Greiner Group publishes Annual and Sustainability Report 2023.

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