The food industry has been waiting for this for years! A pH electrode that unbreakable is and that too withstands CIP cleaning without any problems. And look! It's here: the Mettler Toledo InPro X1!

In food processes, where the use of glass electrodes is not permitted in many cases due to the risk of breakage, the choice was for a very expensive ceramic sensor or to make do with ISFET electrodes. Experience has shown that ISFET electrodes are not very resistant to CIP cleaning. The new InPro X1 is!

Of course, this new unbreakable pH sensor is completely suitable for the food industry and meets all relevant standards such as EHEDG and 3A.

What should you definitely remember about this brand new InPro X1?

  1. The very first unbreakable inline pH electrode that is CIP resistant.
  2. The unbreakable technology eliminates the risk of glass breakage.
  3. Inline pH measurement increases yield through precise process control.
  4. Reliable low-maintenance pH measurement reduces maintenance costs.

Want to learn more about the construction and technology of this unbreakable pH sensor? Read the full blog post.

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