
The Whistleblower Protection Act came into effect earlier this year. FHI, in collaboration with FHI Advisory partner Vestius Advocaten, has drawn up a model for a Whistleblower Scheme. This scheme, available free of charge to FHI members, helps whistleblowers to deal carefully with (suspected) wrongdoing. As a result, whistleblowers of wrongdoing are better protected.

This regulation describes the policy for reporting a suspicion of wrongdoing and how an employer deals with such a report. A good Whistleblower Regulation contributes to an open and safe organizational culture in which employees feel involved and responsible for their organization. This is a model regulation. Companies can adjust this at their own discretion.

In addition, a checklist is also available. In it you can consult what you as a company must record in a reporting procedure and which conditions you must take into account. You can download both files via My FHI.

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FHI, federatie van technologiebranches