• On Friday, the number of daily new corona infections reached 7997, 172 more than Thursday, the RIVM reports. There are 27 more corona patients in hospital, a total of 1553.
  • In Belgium too, the number of infections is increasing rapidly: in one week, the number has doubled to almost six thousand per day. Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke calls the Belgian situation "more serious than in France and the Netherlands", so the VRT reports.
  • Minister of Justice and Security Ferd Grapperhaus and Belgian Minister of the Interior Annelies Verlinden jointly call upon to limit travel between the two countries to what is strictly necessary. The borders will remain open.
  • The French government wants to borrow 20 billion euros to provide guarantees for bank loans to SMEs, Forbes reports based on ReutersThe program must limit the impact of the corona crisis on SMEs and be operational next year.
  • In the EU, for the first time this year, more cars were registered in September than in the same month a year ago. This amounts to 933,987 new cars, 3.1 percent more than in August, ACEA reports.

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