• On Thursday, the RIVM reported 12,844 new corona infections, 1,642 more than on Wednesday. This total figure does include a correction after a computer malfunction, but the RIVM calls the numbers high. Furthermore, 221 corona patients have been admitted to hospital, an increase of 79 people.
  • The corona vaccine from the American pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson and the Dutch subsidiary Jansen is according to Belgian CEO Paul Stoffels ready for vaccination programs in late March or early April. The third round investigation must be completed by the end of January at the latest.
  • Due to the corona crisis, the catering industry is facing an estimated loss of turnover of 40 percent. That says ING's Economic Office. Next year, the catering industry will also suffer a decline in turnover of approximately 20 percent. It may take years before turnover returns to its previous level.
  • Airlines TUI and Corendon are stopping holiday flights. Furthermore, Minister Cora van Nieuwenhuizen (Infrastructure) will to research whether it is possible to require a travel declaration for travelers at Schiphol.

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