• Since last Monday, the UWV has received more than 11,500 applications from flexible workers and on-call and agency workers for the Temporary Bridging Scheme for Flexible Workers (TOFA) scheme. According to the benefits provider A large proportion of the applicants have already received the €1,650 grant in their bank account.
  • SME entrepreneurs who have been affected by the various government measures to prevent further spread of the coronavirus can, from today, Fixed Cost Allowance for SMEs (TVL) Depending on the size of a company, the extent of the loss of turnover (at least 30 percent) and the amount of the fixed costs, they can receive up to 50,000 euros for the period June to September. FHI gives in this article a further explanation of the TVL scheme.
  • Approximately one third of companies with 10 to 250 employees, almost 21,000 companies, have applied for and received a deferral of tax payments from the Tax Authorities. That's what CBS says based on figures on support measures from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.
  • Due to the corona crisis and the low oil price Shell writes off $15 billion. Write-downs could even amount to $22 billion.
  • The Dutch population has gained more confidence in the government, while pessimism has arisen about the economy. This is the conclusion of the Social and Cultural Planning Office in the Central Survey of Citizen Perspectives. According to the agency, such major changes in public sentiment have never taken place before.

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FHI, federatie van technologiebranches