• Last week, the number of positive tests dropped by a third to 5,800 in one week, according to the RIVM. On Tuesday, there were 724 positive corona tests. The r-value dropped to 0.77 in early June.
  • According to new models from the RIVM, the delta variant of the coronavirus will quickly dominate in the Netherlands. In about two months it should have displaced all other variants, writes the NOSHowever, the impact due to the warmer weather and the increased number of vaccinations is expected to be limited.
  • The permanent damage of the corona crisis on the Dutch economy remains limited and the outlook is favorable. This is according to the Central Planning Bureau (CPB) in the latest estimateAccording to the CPB, government support has proven effective and growth this year will amount to 3.2 percent, compared to an earlier expectation of 2.2 percent.
  • In April 2021, consumers spent 9.4 percent more than in April last year. That is the strongest increase since World War II, reports CBSLast April, consumption was still very low due to the first lockdown.
  • The European Commission has approved Germany's recovery plan. The country will receive 28.9 billion euros from the European recovery fund to tackle the economic consequences of the corona crisis. Germany wants to spend 42 percent of the amount on measures to reduce CO2 emissions, writes NU.nl.

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