What makes a powerful conference program? You decide that, together with us. That way we ensure that the program meets the needs of the trade fair visitor. The substantive program of LabNL takes shape by integrating the conference programs of the well-known titles LabAutomation, LabAnalyse and the new Life Science event. The program during LabNL looks like this:
- September 28 – lab automation
- September 29 – Analytical Techniques
- September 30 – life science
Would you like to join? Let us know via wendy@fhi.nl or (033) 465 75 07.
The conference program on Tuesday September 28th focuses on lab automation. Speakers from science and practice will zoom in on working faster, more efficiently and more accurately in a laboratory.
Analytical techniques and trends are central to the program on Wednesday 29 September. With the aim of helping visitors improve productivity and analysis results. The life science program on Thursday 30 September provides insight into leading research in the field of immunotherapy, protein characterization and techniques such as Next Gen Sequencing.
These three conference programmes are supplemented with top speakers from science and practice.
Keep an eye on the website for the latest information on the conference programme and speakers.