National line for scarce protective equipment and medical devices
Recent developments in the corona crisis create an increasing need for protective equipment for caring for patients. According to the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, the situation that has arisen is dire and could become even more dire in the future. To manage this acute problem, a national approach has been drawn up for an indefinite period. What exactly does this approach entail?
From March 18, the distribution of medical devices that have limited availability, but are essential for healthcare, will be purchased, (re)distributed and distributed. This concerns the following products:
- FFP2 masks
- Aprons
- Gloves
- Protective glasses
- FFP1 and 3 masks
- Surgical masks
- Diagnostic tests (including PCR material, swabs and media)
- Ventilators
This list can be expanded in the coming period if it appears that further shortages arise and/or central management is the best option. If this happens, we will inform you.
Insight into shortages and distribution
Within the ROAZ (Regional Consultation for Acute Care Chain), we collaborate with the GGDs to arrange the distribution of the above aids as optimally as possible. Twelve regional coordinators have been appointed for this purpose. If you are now a healthcare provider and are dealing with acute problems: please also report to these coordinators. They will also map out what is needed per region. This national overview is available from the PPE team of GGD/GHOR Nederland. In principle, contacts with healthcare providers also take place via these regional coordinators.
What about purchasing?
The purchasing of the aforementioned products is done through a central team of hospital buyers. These central purchasing teams have the authority to conclude deals for these products throughout the Netherlands and route this to the central stock point. All offers received by the coordinators, GGD/GHOR Netherlands and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport are forwarded to this purchasing team. They are supported in this by the ministry. Contacts with suppliers also go through the purchasing team. The email address is:
If more products are added or contact details change, we will notify you.