On Wednesday, December 13 from half past one to half past two, Davy Piskracht from KU Leuven will give an online lunch session about the latest developments in international standards regarding “shielding effectiveness”. You can register as a member for the lunch session by sending an email to info@emc-esd.nl, after which you will receive the Microsoft Teams link shortly.

An electromagnetic shielding material is any material used to make shielding enclosures, usually to protect electronic components, circuits and systems from incoming electromagnetic fields, and to reduce the emission of electromagnetic waves from a circuit or system. For most applications, the choice of material for housing design and manufacture is based on the characterization of planar samples of the material. Various techniques are available to measure the shielding properties of materials. The recently published “IEEE P2715 Guide for the Characterization of the Shielding Effectiveness of Planar Materials” provides guidance on using recognized techniques for measuring the shielding effectiveness of planar materials. The guide describes the features and limitations of generally accepted techniques for characterizing the shielding effectiveness of planar materials and provides a basis for comparing the techniques. This presentation introduces the IEEE 2715 standard and summarizes currently available methods to measure the shielding provided by a planar material. In addition, the presentation provides an introduction to the IEEE 2716 standard that proposes and compares techniques to determine the electromagnetic shielding of so-called Board Level Shields.

Biography Davy Piskind:
Davy Piskracht obtained a Doctorate in Electrical Engineering from Ghent University, Belgium in 2005. He then worked as an R&D Engineer at Agilent Technologies (now Keysight Technologies) in Ghent, Belgium. Since 2009, he has been a professor at KU Leuven Brugge Campus, where he heads the Mechatronics Group. His current research interests include EMI risk management, shielding effectiveness characterization, and safety assurance of interconnected autonomous systems. He is currently a board member of the IEEE EMC Society and recently also chairman of the IEEE EMC Society Benelux Chapter.

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