SCHURTER has been developing and producing tailor-made membrane switches for various applications in numerous sectors for many years. With our broad know-how, we also find the optimal solution for special or demanding applications.

Our high-quality membrane switches are characterized by their reliability in every production process and under all circumstances. They are produced using the latest technology and to the highest industrial standards. The certified materials and processes guarantee the highest quality and meet all requirements.

Membrane switches used in highly specialized applications, such as an industrial automation environment or medical technology, can only be developed by a manufacturer with specialist knowledge and relevant experience. With specific know-how in this area, SCHURTER has been supporting clients in their product development for many years.

Every SCHURTER membrane switch is custom-made, regardless of whether small or large quantities are required. Thanks to a largely automated production process, consistently high quality is guaranteed and SCHURTER can compete with Asian manufacturers.


Application Note  Membrane Switches 
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