IoT developer Evalan is working with builder BAM Bouw en Techniek on a new sensor that measures numerous environmental parameters. The sensor is linked to BAM's Modular Room Interaction System (MORIS) and should improve the sustainability and comfort of the indoor climate of buildings.

The so-called multi-sensor that Evalan is working on measures environmental parameters such as temperature, volatile organic gases, CO2, light intensity, sound intensity and the presence of people. This data is forwarded to the building management system via a MOD bus and DALI. Based on the data, heating and ventilation can be determined.

The sensors also offer Bluetooth connectivity, allowing users to control the temperature and lighting in a room via their mobile. According to Evalan, users can also easily set up a room for giving a presentation, for example: with one push of a button, the lights dim, AV devices turn on and the blinds lower.

Evalan aims to deliver the first prototypes to BAM in October.

Read more at Evalan.

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