Entrepreneurs get extra deferral for paying taxes
Entrepreneurs will receive another six months of tax deferral. State Secretary Vijlbrief of Finance announced this in response to the additional corona measures that were announced on Monday 28 September. The government had already announced earlier delay On.
Entrepreneurs not only get an extra year to pay taxes, they can also start paying them later. Initially, repayments should have started from January 2021, but this start date has been postponed to July 1, 2021.
From this date, entrepreneurs will have three years to pay the outstanding tax. This term has also been extended by an additional year. In addition, entrepreneurs do not have to pay interest in the first half year of repayment. In addition, the collection interest has been set at almost zero until the end of this year.
According to the State Secretary, this measure will help another 200,000 entrepreneurs and hopefully result in fewer companies going under while the Tax Authorities also receive the money. At the moment, 250,000 entrepreneurs are making use of the possibility of tax deferral.
Want to know more about this or request a deferment of payment? This can be done via the tax authorities.