Climate change, urbanization and rising energy costs are important factors that argue for more efficient energy use. If we realize that buildings are responsible for 40% of total energy consumption, there is great savings potential.

In addition, reducing energy costs provides a financial benefit for a tenant or user of a building. The owner or lessor will also achieve better operating returns with an economical installation. Energy use also increasingly has a determining influence on the value and rentability of the building. Environmental classifications such as Energy Label, BREEAM and LEED contribute to making the building more attractive to tenants.

These classifications of buildings are a strong encouragement for many clients, building owners, managers and tenants to realize buildings that meet stricter energy and environmental requirements. In addition, more and more attention is being paid to the health of the users of these buildings. There are various energy and health classification systems with which we can assess buildings. For all these systems, extensive automation of the installations helps the owner and user to easily meet many of the requirements in these classification systems.

For example, an integral building automation system based on KNX ensures that a building can meet the highest Energy Performance Class as established in the European standard EN 15232. A KNX system also ensures that extra points are awarded within certification schemes such as BREEAM and LEED, because these buildings thus have universal and future-proof building automation. With KNX, installations for heating, air conditioning, lighting and sun blinds can respond integrally and coherently to one weather station. This can quickly reduce energy consumption in a building by more than 25%.

To find out how the KNX protocol ensures integral automation, KNX Netherlands compiled the white paper Heating, Cooling and Ventilating with KNX. This whitepaper with a detailed description of the benefits of integrated building automation can be downloaded for free at www documentation page on

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