Intuitive evaluation and visualization of industrial process data with JUMO smartWARE Evaluation software

Efficient data management and evaluation are important components of Industry 4.0. With JUMO smartWARE Evaluation, a software solution for the new variTRON automation system from JUMO is now available. The user can view and evaluate process data in a personalized way via customizable dashboards. 

How does it work? The JUMO smartWARE Evaluation software is installed centrally on desktops, local servers or in the cloud using Docker technology. Additional installation of software or add-ons by the user is not necessary. This saves costs for system administration. Access is via common web browsers. Once set up, JUMO smartWARE Evaluation enables an unlimited number of users to analyze and visualize up to 1,500 signals – worldwide.

Of course, data security is a top priority for users of JUMO industrial automation solutions. The recorded raw data is securely transferred to a data store and archived by the JUMO variTRON automation system according to the data diode principle via Rest API. 

In the event of a change in configuration or replacement of the system, the recorded data remains traceable. 

By using JUMO smartWARE Evaluation software in combination with the JUMO variTRON automation system, the user is assured of secure data management. In addition, the user has personalized dashboards for monitoring, analyzing and evaluating the production process. 

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